
Thank you very much! Well organized and my son enjoyed it so much that he asked to go again. We are very proud that he didn’t feel intimidated by the older boys and it challenged him on learning and improving. He woke up each morning looking forward to the camp. I am sure this camp developed his skills. Great job!!”

“Both my kids loved the camp and can’t wait to go again next summer. They are currently outside practicing the skills they learned! You guys rock!”

“My son was not even out of the gym today and was asking if he can register for next year. Thanks for putting this camp out! Loved that it wasn’t in the city and we have some quality options for the kids around the area.”

“Coach Ryyan has been involved in the basketball community for over 20 years. As a teacher, he brings a dynamic communication style to the court. Coach Ryyan develops players who are highly skilled and disciplined. He is currently the head coach for Fort Richmond Collegiate and Acadia Junior High and both teams had very successful seasons this year. Coach Ryyan gave detailed feedback to players to develop the team’s full potential. His passion for the sport of basketball and his knowledge of the game make for a great combination.”

“I had the opportunity to play for Coach K for two years at the varsity level. He always challenged us with intense practices and in games by competing in top tournaments. Coach K pushed me to achieve my full potential and had confidence in me as a leader on and off the court.”

- Thane

“As a player, Ryyan Koleric was an absolute pleasure to coach. He was respectful to both his teammates and coaches and brought passion and energy to the team. From my observation he brings those same positive qualities to his coaching.”

  • Randy Kusano

“Coach K coaches my two sons at the Junior High and High School levels. He has provided them with the knowledge to help them grow into skilled players. Fortunately, I have been able to be present for the majority of their games, and I value the time Coach K dedicates to the boys and their development. I appreciate his positive feedback, energy, and continued encouragement of their growth in basketball!”

  • Sajid

“In my time with coach K, I learned what it means to really compete and work. I was challenged and put in uncomfortable situations every practice, that forced me to reach heights I didn’t think I can get to.His attention to detail and game knowledge changed my perspective on the game and helped me improve tremendously.“

  • Tito - U of M Bisons